Prague – The Enchanted City


Prague is the capital of the Czech Republic, is situated on the banks of the Vlatava river and is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe and in the World.

The first indications of settlements in the area where today is Prague, date back to the year 5000 BC, however it was in the 9th century that the city was founded that is now known as the city of 100 domes.

During the second half of the Middle Ages (1000-1500), Prague flourished and became one of the most important cities in Europe, especially during the reign of Charles IV, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, who chose Prague as the capital of the empire.

During the following centuries, Prague lost its importance and was plunged between nationalistic struggles, mainly against the Austro-Hungarian empire that occupied the country.

Finally in 1918 Prague became the capital of the Czechoslovak republic. In the following decades Prague was affected by the war, the Nazi occupation and finally by the influence of the Soviet Union.

In 1993 with the end of Czechoslovakia, Prague became the capital of the Czech Republic, and today accounts for a quarter of the country’s national production


Of the 26 European capitals we have visited, Prague is undoubtedly in the top3 of the ones we liked the most. It is a city with a lot of history and culture, it is very beautiful and cheap.

It is ideal for a 3/4 day ” getaway ‘‘, with your love, with the family or a group of friends, is a city for all tastes.

It is practically impossible to go and not have a huge desire to return.

Attractions in Prague - 8 things to see and visit

 1- Charles Bridge IV

Built by King Charles IV in 1357, it is the most famous bridge in Prague, along its 500 m long it is possible to observe 31 statues, the most well-known is St John of Nepomuk, a saint of the Czech Republic who prays the legend having been drowned in the Vlatava river, because of their struggle for Czech nationalism.

The bridge is often packed with tourists, the best time to cross and take some pictures is in the early morning or at night.


2- Prague Castle

Prague Castle is one of the most important buildings in the city. It was founded in the 9th century and currently serves as the presidential residence, formerly inhabited by the kings of Bohemia.

 3- Astronomical Clock

Orloj is the name of the astronomical clock, located in Prague, in the Old Town Square.

It consists of three main components: the astronomical display, represents the position of the Sun and Moon in the sky and shows various celestial details; the “Walk of the Apostles” which is the name given to the representation of figures of the apostles and the change of time, and finaly a dial that represents the months and signs of the Zodiac.

 4- Old Town Square

It is located between Wenceslas Square and Charles Bridge, is one of the ” centers ” of the city.

It is possible to recognize several architectural styles in the buildings that surround the square, that take us to several periods of this beautiful city. such as the Týn Cathedral, Gothic style, and the baroque St. Nicholas Church.

The astronomical clock is located in this square and it is normal to be full of tourists all day long


5- Wenceslas Square

This is one of the main squares of the city and where are located the main shops.

This square has a particularity, which is its format. It has the shape of a rectangle, with 750m long, of a side is the national museum of the Czech Republic, on the other is the beginning of the ” old town ”.

6- Gothic Cathedral of St. Vitus

St. Vitus Cathedral is one of the main buildings in the city of Prague and the largest church in the Czech Republic.

It is located in Prague Castle and was built next to the castle, the construction of the cathedral in its present Gothic style began in 1344 and came to an end in 1929 after a break in the works.

7- The dancing house

The dancing house is a building designed by the architects Vlado Milunić and Frank Gehry that began to be built in 1992 next to the Vltava river.

It aroused some controversy by being situated between buildings of baroque and gothic styles. But it quickly became an indispensable work of Prague architecture, having received prestigious prizes. Initially, the building was named after Ginger and Fred in honor of dancers Astaire and Rogers.

The building contains offices, shops and a restaurant.

It is not possible to enter inside, but you can always go by the banks of the river, until you reach the building and see its beauty and architecture out of the ordinary.

8- Trdelník, the most famous candy in Prague

It is a typical sweet of the Checoslovakia and you can not walk 1 minutes down the street without seeing someone eating the candy, or the bakerys where they are sold.

The candy is a spiral tube, made of dough, which is rolled over charcoal. When already cooked, just put sugar or cinnamon and fillings, from nutella, caramel, strawberry ..

Trdelník - Doce de Praga

 These are some of the symbols of Prague, but for us the biggest attraction is undoubtedly … the city itself.

It has a unique atmosphere, and it is a pleasure to take a walk through the streets full of history, it is possible to walk hours and hours always surrounded by different monuments.

It is a city that we will definitely return to and recommend anyone to visit, it is worth it.

To spend the night by motorhome:

Prague: 50 ° 04’42.0 “N 14 ° 24’29.3” E

Only for overnight stay, paid parking. Free at the weekend.

Map of Prague

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